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C.I.P. Technology and Systems, Operation and Advantages

The sanitary fluid processing industry relies heavily on the C.I.P. (Clean-in-Place) systems to automatically clean the interior surfaces and spaces of the equipment without dismantling the whole line. They are specially designed to conduct automatic, reproducible and reliable delivery of cleaning solutions and rinse water through fluid processing equipment and offer significant advantages to pharmaceutical and life sciences manufacturing facilities.

What is a C.I.P. system?

The major feature for a "C.I.P" system is the recirculation establishment. If a pipeline can be circulated or a vessel can be sprayed with a minimum of hand dealing and mechanical changes to the whole system, it could be considered "C.I.P.". However, if the cleaning solution is put through a spray device to wash a vessel and then drains directly or to a pipeline that is flushed through directly to drain, it could not be considered "C.I.P." as there is no recirculation established.

C.I.P. System Components and Operating Principles

  • The Pre-rinse: Over 90% of the product residues is removed during pre-rinse in order to minimize the use of washing chemicals.
  • Alkaline cleaning operation: alkaline detergents dissolve fat/proteins and clean hard deposits.
  • Intermediate water rinse
  • Acidic cleaning operation: for neutralizing the caustic remaining on the inner surfaces of the plant and removing mineral deposits in the equipment
  • The post-rinse: this step is a rinse that removes residual cleaning solution and loosened soils.

The C.I.P. system is usually automatically controlled and the cleaning sequences are given the optimum timing for efficient cleaning of all parts of the plants.

Advantages of a C.I.P. system

In addition to offering fast, efficient and reliable cleaning of all types of sanitary fluid processing equipment, the C.I.P. systems have also the following advantages:

  • Reduced liquid consumption and costs (The system is designed to use the optimum amount of water and recycling cleaning solutions.)
  • Reduced operating costs and wear-and-tear on equipment
  • Improved equipment and storage utilization
  • Enhanced safety and no cross-contamination, reduced operator hazards associated with handling and inhaling cleaning chemicals

Additionally, a well designed C.I.P. system (employing double seat valve (block and bleed) technology and a bit of process integration) will enable you to clean one part of the plant while other areas continue to produce product.

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