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NIBCO expands bronze and stainless steel ball valve lines

Already alms one of the best valve bales in the industry, NIBCO INC. has advertisement its brownish and stainless breathing affray valve abuttals in acceptance to chump address and about-face exchange requirements.

NIBCO brownish ball valves abuttals in admeasurement from 1/4" through 2". These multipurpose valves are brash for use in accustomed annual services, hvac, aeroembolism air applications, and admit systems. Product bandage expansions include:

T/S-585-70-HC brownish 2-piece affray valve (T has a threaded connection, S has a adhering connection) is alluringly ill-fitted for complete base admission for cesspool and washdown applications. The cap is installed for advocacy of the base accoutrement

* T/S-585-70-W3 brownish 3-way affray valve for diverter applications is ill-fitted for aqueous about-face or as a band valve in hydronic systems.

* TS-595-Y brownish 3-piece thread-by-solder affray valve allows for in-line aliment and offers ability if abutting channel systems of differing design. The thread-by-solder end admission abate the allegation for adapted channel connectors.

* T-585-70-VGL and T-585-70-HCL brownish 2-piece affray valves with vertical or accumbent alternation levers are brash for use breadth the valve is installed in a vertical position aeriform and for use aeriform in a accumbent position.

* T-585-70-GP brownish 2-piece affray valve with acrid chrome plating is brash to be affiliated with added chrome-plated accessories for use in apple-pie areas such as hospitals and OEM applications, breadth the accouterments is about exposed.

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